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07512 518 856

Your physiotherapy experience doesn't just start and finish with your hour's session - quite the opposite! After your session, I will provide you with a bespoke follow-up report, complete with several exercises tailored to you and your animal. These follow-up programmes aim to build on the work we have done in our session, in order to further develop your animal's strength, symmetry and flexibility, keep pain at bay and encourage them to start working correctly, to reduce the likelihood of recurring issues and keep them happier for longer.
A follow up report will contain notes from your session, with any areas of pain, tension or asymmetry recorded, along with rehabilitation exercises such as...​
Follow up stretching and joint mobilisation exercises
In-hand work, like leading, long reining and lunging
Polework exercises, both ridden and in-hand
Specific ridden exercise programmes
Pole work is something that I use in almost all of my equine follow-up programmes. Why? Because they are an excellent tool for improving all-round strength, as well as isolating specific ​
Helps to reduce tension and encourages relaxation
Improving muscle tone and mass
Improving proprioception
Increasing range of motion and stride length
Prevents scar tissue formation and improves fibre alignment
Decreases risk of injury
Helps to built core strength
Reduces delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

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